Transform geometry_msgs/TransformedStamped() to sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 on rospy
Hi people,
I have a geometry_msgs/TransformedStamped() vector which I am trying to translate to sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. I have looked aroun in the rospy api docs but nothing clear comes out strking.
Question: Has anyone ever used rospy to do this sort of transformation in the past? Example codes/pointing to api references would be helpful.
What is it exactly that you are trying to do, and what is the end result you are after? A transform cannot be meaningfully 'translated' into a point cloud, afaict.
Data is from vicon_bridge package w/each marker packed into a geometry/TransformStamped() msg. I'm trying to stream the markers' world position to move-it as a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 msg. I wrote a basic rospy code that picks the vector3() translation information but the pcl doens't show directions
Wondering if I should somehow include the rotation information in the pcl code so i can see the rotation of the clouds when an object moves. Code is here:
So you're creating point clouds from scratch, based on TF data coming from the vicon system?
Yes. I have the code here: . For some reason, my clouds are static and never move even when my object changes position.
Are you setting the cloud's
to the correct values? Without those, they will never be transformed.The
of the child cloud doesn't matter AFAIK. What matters is that the fixed frame we are transforming into must match that of the markers from vicon. What I eventually did was to use the twist I computed from the four markers in vicon to generate a TransformedStamped msg. This was cont'dThis was then used in computing the new cloud's tranform with the
object. The code is here if you are interested. It is working!