Navigation and planning after gmapping

asked 2016-08-16 15:12:29 -0500

Zeeshan gravatar image

hello, I am working in a simulation environment in vrep and by publishing base_scan to gmapping in ros i am creating a map, Now i want to do navigation on map which is creating by gmapping not on a static map by download in pgm or yaml format, i want to do navigation on runtime generating map by gmapping. Please help me what can i do now for navigation and path planning, i have seen a links on move_base node but cant link with my gmapping map which are creating in rviz and model not going to goal, please help me fully, i shall be very thankfull to you.

Procedure till now: 1)run roscore 2)catkin_make 3)devel/source bash.setup 4)run vrep and open and start vrep model and publish topics of laser scanner,odom and tf. 5)on new termial rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 base_link base_scan 50 6)on new terminal rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=base_scan 7)open rviz 8)on new terminal roslaunch gmapping mapping.launch model starts mapping on rviz

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