Remapping and ApproximateTimeSynchronization
I've run into a seemingly simple issue that I cannot solve. I have a working model that takes sensor outpput and synchronizes messages using the python version of ApproximateTimeSynchronization. The issue likely is remapping related, but I cannot seem to produce output topics from the synchronization node to verify syncro topics. My launch file is:
<node pkg="bag2orb" type="" name="afl_tatbry_node">
<remap from="tat_bry" to="tat_bry"/>
<node pkg="bag2orb" type="" name="aflsync_node">
<remap from="tat_bry" to="tatbryout"/>
<remap from="gps/filtered" to="gpsout"/>
And a partial node map:
I've read the documentation on remapping and have been unsucessful remapping both topics to another relative topic. From the log files, the syncro seems to be working. What syntax am I missing for either ApprTimeSynchro or general remapping? My desire is to republish the synchronized topics under the remapped names.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,