mavros catkin_build error
Hi , I followed the steps on ROS wiki about mavros to install .
But I don't know why it can't be compiled suddenly .
Could anyone give me a hand? thank you!!
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Hi , I followed the steps on ROS wiki about mavros to install .
But I don't know why it can't be compiled suddenly .
Could anyone give me a hand? thank you!!
I did not find installation instructions in the wiki. I found them in git. There is a debian package available. So, you can run the following command to get it installed:
sudo apt-get install ros-jade-mavros ros-jade-mavros-extras
Replace jade
with the name of whatever ros distribution you are using. . The git also says how to install from the source, if you are particular about getting it installed that way.
Asked: 2016-07-19 07:59:09 -0600
Seen: 683 times
Last updated: Jul 19 '16