How to publish only one message on a topic?
Hi guys,
I have written a program which continuously publishes velocity on a topic. I want to publish only one velocity message at once. In case I change my velocity I need to publish one message per velocity change. How can I do it. Here is my code:
> #include "ros/ros.h"
> #include "nav_msgs/Odometry.h"
> #include <ros/console.h>
> #include "geometry_msgs/Pose.h"
> #include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"
> #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>
> double quatx; double quaty; double
> quatz; double quatw; double
> linearposx; double linearposy;
> void ComPoseCallback(const
> nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg);
> int main(int argc, char **argv) {
> ros::init(argc, argv, "Test_FK");
> ros::NodeHandle n;
> ros::Publisher Velocity_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/RosAria/cmd_vel",10);
> ros::Subscriber ComPose_sub = n.subscribe("/RosAria/pose", 1000,
> ComPoseCallback);
> geometry_msgs::Twist velocity; velocity.linear.x=1;
> velocity.linear.y=0;
> velocity.linear.z=0;
> velocity.angular.x=0;
> velocity.angular.y=0;
> velocity.angular.z=0;
> //std::cout<<"xPosition"<<linearposx<<std::endl;
> //ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
> while (ros::ok())
> {
> Velocity_pub.publish(velocity);
> ros::spinOnce();
> }
> return 0; }
> void ComPoseCallback(const
> nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg)
> {
> ROS_INFO("Seq: [%d]", msg->header.seq);
> ROS_INFO("Position-> x: [%f], y: [%f], z: [%f]",
> msg->pose.pose.position.x,msg->pose.pose.position.y,
> msg->pose.pose.position.z);
> ROS_INFO("Orientation-> x: [%f], y: [%f], z: [%f], w: [%f]",
> msg->pose.pose.orientation.x,
> msg->pose.pose.orientation.y,
> msg->pose.pose.orientation.z,
> msg->pose.pose.orientation.w);
> linearposx=msg->pose.pose.position.x;
> linearposy=msg->pose.pose.position.y;
> quatx= msg->pose.pose.orientation.x;
> quaty= msg->pose.pose.orientation.y;
> quatz= msg->pose.pose.orientation.z;
> quatw= msg->pose.pose.orientation.w;
> tf::Quaternion q(quatx, quaty, quatz, quatw); tf::Matrix3x3 m(q);
> double roll, pitch, yaw;
> m.getEulerYPR(yaw, pitch, roll);
> //getRPY ROS_INFO("Yaw: [%f],Pitch:
> [%f],Roll: [%f]",yaw,pitch,roll);
> return ; }
I am using pioneer 3dx robot which maintains its velocity once I give a velocity command. I don't need to send my velocity continuously.