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asked 2016-06-27 01:24:41 -0500

balduros gravatar image

Hi all

I'm working on a project involving a pixhawk running ArduSub. The pixhawk is serially connected to an Odroid running mavros. Beside from the pixhawk's internal barometer, it is equipped with an external barometer used for measuring water depth. From QGC MAVLink Inspector I can see the two sensor values as SCALED_PRESSURE (internal barometer) and SCALED_PRESSURE2 (external barometer).

My question is: Is there a mavros topic I can subscribe in order to get access to the external barometer pressure values (SCALED_PRESSURE2). Running: $ rostopic echo /mavros/imu/atm_pressure/fluid_pressure will provide me with the internal barometer pressure values (SCALED_PRESSURE).

Best Regards, Andreas

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1 Answer

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answered 2023-04-02 13:43:47 -0500

clyde gravatar image

This is an old message, but I recently stumbled upon it looking for the same information.

The upshot is that mavros doesn't handle the SCALED_PRESSURE2 message. You would have to add a plugin to mavros, or perhaps build a ROS node that uses pymavlink to bridge this message.

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Asked: 2016-06-27 01:24:41 -0500

Seen: 323 times

Last updated: Apr 02 '23