Python Process Died Exit Code -11
I have a node, "", that is run via a roslaunch file and unexpectedly dies when I run it.
I have two clues to offer:
1) The following is part of what I see in the roslaunch terminal window. You'll see that exit code -11 is shown. What does this mean? I don't see anything else that is more specific in this runtime feedback
ReceiveOrder (robot_arm/
rviz_HPLaptop_4443_4042809988877892707 (rviz/rviz)
core service [/rosout] found
process[ReceiveOrder-1]: started with pid [4461]
process[rviz_HPLaptop_4443_4042809988877892707-2]: started with pid [4462]
[ INFO] [1466968712.255484346]: rviz version 1.11.14
[ INFO] [1466968712.255610062]: compiled against Qt version 4.8.6
[ INFO] [1466968712.255653092]: compiled against OGRE version 1.8.1 (Byatis)
[ INFO] [1466968712.466849981]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[ INFO] [1466968712.467064489]: OpenGl version: 2.1 (GLSL 1.2).
[ReceiveOrder-1] process has died [pid 4461, exit code -11, cmd /home/daalt/ar01/src/robot_arm/ __name:=ReceiveOrder __log:=/home/daalt/.ros/log/1300bd8c-3bcf-11e6-8a67-002315aba7e4/ReceiveOrder-1.log].
log file: /home/daalt/.ros/log/1300bd8c-3bcf-11e6-8a67-002315aba7e4/ReceiveOrder-1*.log
2) I only see [INFO] messages in the ReceiveOrder-1.log file, no warnings or errors. However there is this line that suggests that something is going on with the rospy clock:
[rospy.simtime][INFO] 2016-06-26 14:18:32,722: /use_sim_time is not set, will not subscribe to simulated time [/clock] topic
The only place where the question of clock comes into question, as far as I know, is when I define a spin rate in the "" Python node.
I'm not sure what direction to go in based on these clues. Does anyone suspect something specific going on here or, at least, suggest something I can do to investigate further?
Thank you, ROS community!!
. For a Python interpreter, that is a bit of a strange error to run in to. Are you doing anything with C/C++ interop and Python?No C/C++ interop within my node. I traced it to the following line where the node crashes:
I made the following imports so I would think that this command is supported:
The MoveIt commander is a C++ class / many C++ classes wrapped in a thin layer of Python. A Python interpreter will never (well, never)
because of missingimport
statements. Perhaps report this at themoveit_commander
issue tracker?Thanks, gvdhoorn. I also ran a barebones node and it failed immediately after the moveit_commander import. Error message mentioned:
I'll start a new thread on this before submitting an issue.