"The library is neither a target nor built/installed properly"
Hello, Hello I have a package called wp3_driver_pkg which builds without errors when I build it alone but when I'm trying to use it in another package (ur10) I have the following error :
Project 'ur10' tried to find library 'wp3_driver_pkg'. The library is
neither a target nor built/installed properly. Did you compile project
'wp3_driver_pkg'? Did you find_package() it before the subdirectory
containing its code is included?
The package wp3_driver_pkg has been added to the ur10 package.xml for build and run. and is called in the cmakefile.txt of the ur10:
find_package( wp3_driver_pkg REQUIRED)
This is the catkin_package() in the cmakefile.txt for the wp3_driver_pkg
LIBRARIES ${PROJECT_NAME} wp3_driver_lib
CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime roscpp rospy roslib ${MSG_DEPS}
the wp3_driver_lib is a library added in the same cmakefile with the source file
I can even see the package being built before in the terminal :
And if I use the command "rospack fin wp3_driver_pkg" just after the failed compilation and the package is found, even if I suppress the devel and build folder of the workspace.
Thanks for the answers if you see what I'm doing wrong !