Object detection (contour detection) and navigation with Visual Camera?
I have just ventured into computer vision and trying to demystify various intricacies of it. I am trying to detect the door of a Aircraft with Visual Camera and navigate a mobile robot to the center of the object.
I would like to use OpenCV (with C++) for object detection and ROS with Ubuntu for navigation (path planing). So as far as understand the first step is extract features (feature detection) method using OpenCV. I think in my case I need just a contour detection . What methods can be use inside OpenCV for this first step? Is it HOG detection method appropriate for this problem or do I need to use SURF or SIFT feature detection methods? After feature detection I understand need to apply classification methods in order to recognize the door , true?
When object detection successfully applied need to navigate the mobile robot to the center of the Aircraft door. This can be done with Kalman filter inside OpenCV or can use the ROS that supports OpenCV and features like SIFT or SURF for navigation and path planning to the detected object?
Also any code or out of the box methods would be great of help.