How to get GPS data from MTi-G-700 xsens driver over ROS
I am using an MTi-G-700 motion tracker from xsens. According to xsens website they point to this ROS driver for reading data. I followed the instructions on that link, however when using rostopic echo
for the published topics, I only get readings from mti/sensor/imu
and mti/sensor/magnetic
while the other topics are not advertising any data. I am interested mostly in the GPS data which is probably advertised on the topic mti/sensor/gnssPvt
Is there something I am missing to get the GPS data ?
Note: I have also tried other drivers mtig_driver, ethzasl_xsens_driver, lse_xsens_mti but I faced more problems with those.
Did you try to use this driver : ?
Hey, well I have same question! any news on this?
@R.gharemani I put some points to try into an answer. Maybe it helps...
did you try "rosrun xsens_driver -m 2 -f 100" then try "rostopic echo /mti/sensor/gnssPvt", you should see GPS data now (don't forget to get outside of building to have GPS signal :p ).