rosserial avr doesn't work
I am trying avr tutorial “Using rosserial with AVR and UART” . What I want is to connect atmega328 to ROS.
It seems it doesn't work.
Atmega328 is on pro mini board with 16 MHz crystal. I tried rosserial Arduino “hello world “ example, it works with Atmega328 on pro mini board. I used FTDI module to connect the rosserial_python serial_node.
I am running ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.4.
I have programmed Atmega328 with avrdude. Fuse bits of the Atmega328 were kept as for Arduino.
I have used TTL to USB module to communicate with the rosserial_python serial_node.
I tried at bau rates 38400 and 9600 other than 57600. But it seems I doesn't get synchronized, it doesn't publish at all.
Anybody out there have done something similar to this?
I need help!
And another thing, it is possible verify whether it publishes or not using a terminal program other than ros chatter node?