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question about parsing urdf file

asked 2016-01-07 06:52:22 -0500

xuao gravatar image

updated 2016-01-07 07:05:07 -0500

Akif gravatar image

I followed the urdf /Tutorials/ Create your own urdf file: , and run check_urdf my_robot.urdf, but the answer is:

Error:   Error document empty.

at line 72 in /build/buildd/urdfdom-0.2.10+dfsg/urdf_parser/src/model.cpp

ERROR: Model Parsing the xml failed

and I can't find the file of build/buildd/urdfdom-0.2.10+dfsg/urdf_parser/src/model.cpp, I don't know how to solve it, anyone could help me ?

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-01-07 07:02:56 -0500

Akif gravatar image

updated 2016-01-07 07:03:23 -0500

Please check this answer .

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I followed this answer but the same question still appeared.

 xu@xu-ThinkPad-SL410:~$ cd   ~/catkin_ws/src/Learning_tutorials/urdf
        xu@xu-ThinkPad-SL410:~/catkin_ws/src/Learning_tutorials/urdf$ check_urdf my_robot.urdf
Error:   Error document empty.
         at line 72 in /build/buildd/urdfdom-0.2.10+dfsg/urdf_parser/src/model.cpp
ERROR: Model Parsing the xml failed
xuao gravatar image xuao  ( 2016-01-07 07:53:14 -0500 )edit

Can you try with full path to URDF?

Akif gravatar image Akif  ( 2016-01-07 08:14:41 -0500 )edit

Do you mean running check_urdf /home/xu/catkin_ws/src/Learning_tutorials/urdf/my_robot.urdf directly to parse my file? I have tried that way ,but still failed.

xuao gravatar image xuao  ( 2016-01-07 08:45:02 -0500 )edit

Are you sure that your path is OK? Can you check your file location respecting lower/upper case letters?

Akif gravatar image Akif  ( 2016-01-07 09:02:14 -0500 )edit

I'm sure that my path is correct. But when I run another urfd file"01-myfirst.urdf", which is in the same package with "my_robot.urdf", it succeeded.

xu@xu-ThinkPad-SL410:~/catkin_ws/src/urdf_tutorial/urdf$ check_urdf 01-myfirst.urdf robot name is: myfirst Successfully Parsed XML

xuao gravatar image xuao  ( 2016-01-07 22:06:38 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-01-07 06:52:22 -0500

Seen: 1,155 times

Last updated: Jan 07 '16