Best practice with tf transforms
I've got a small problem: I have three laser scanners mounted at my robot with -> frames:
(name -> tf frame)
- Hokuyo 1 -> hokuyo1_frame
- Hokuyo 2 -> hokuyo2_frame
- Another 4 layer Laser scanner -> Scanner_frame1
these laserscanners are translational and rotational shifted together. Which leads to me to use some tf transformations. So I flew over the tutorials and just gut confused which would be the best practice to convert them all do a static frame at the robot. Also i dont have a baselink at my robot for now so how do i create one in the origin of my robot?
If I print the current frames with rosrun tf view_frames
I just see the Scanner_frame1 and not the two hokuyo frames, however I can watch the data in rviz by hand typing the fixed frame as hokuyo1/2_frame.
Can someone give me some hints about this?
Best regards