vicon_bridge serviceClient FAIL!
Hi there,
I have written a simple serviceClient subscriber to Vicon_bridge services. Basically, I want to have a clent that retrieves the pose information from the vicon_bridge Service Server.
I have tried all I know but every time I run the code, the error condition returns as so:
[ INFO] [1448305105.714274705]: waitForService: Service [/vicon/Superchicko/headcore] has not been advertised, waiting...
even though the vicon_bridge node is clearly advertising since
rostopic echo /vicon_bridge/Superchicko/headCore
does show me the pose messages in another terminal.
I see on the roscpp documentation page that when subscribing to a ServiceServer within a class, the Service client should be constructed as follows:
ServiceClient ros::NodeHandle::serviceClient ( const std::string & service_name, bool persistent = false, const M_string & header_values = M_string() )
The thing is when I try this, I get no calls either from the vicon_bridge::viconGrabPose
. Could anyone help me out?