Will RoS work over I2C , without serial? ie; arduino to arduino communication without a PC?
Will RoS work over I2C , without serial? ie; arduino to arduino communication without a PC?
I have seen examples and tutorials on how RoS can be used in arduino. But all of them explains how to get an arduino communicate to a PC over serial protocol.
I am working on a robotic project where arduino to arduino communication is required. Will I be able to imlement two ROS nodes based on I2C as underlying channel ?
Or any other ideas to get the same goal ?
Edit: Thanks William for the quick answer. Eventhough, ROS Serial ( http://wiki.ros.org/rosserial ) examples are shown for communication from arduino to PC , I believe arduino to arduino serial will also work for ROSserial.
Any pointers how I can implement a new underlying protocol for ROS node to node communication. There should be "downward" interfaces for doing this. Has any one tried this?
Maybe using a raspberry Pi with ROS as master for both arduino boards?
@Ajan: please don't post answers to post comments, or updates to your question. Please use the edit button/link for that. I've merged your update into your question.
will do . Thanks @gvdhoorn
@Mehdi Thanks for the suggestion to use the Raspberry pi. But I do not need one. Do not need that much processing in my robot. Arduinos can handle it. Communication among arduinos is going to be a challenge. I am planning to use I2C . But RoS do not support it. Wondering how to write my own support!