How to solve '[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named ...'?
Ubuntu 12.04
ROS Hydro
I am a freshman to ROS, recently I create nodes according to the book ‘Learning ROS for Robotics Programing Second Edition’,
but after I execute ‘rosrun’, something strange happend:
rosrun chapter2_tutorials chap2_example1_a
It shows that:
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named chap2_example1_a below /home/exbot/dev/catkin_ws/src/chapter2_tutorials
Actually, the executable chap2_example1_a exists in /home/dev/catkin_ws/devel/lib
I think something is wrong with the path. But I am not sure.
How to solve it? Thank you~
Can you show us the output of
catkin config
? Perhaps you need tosudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools
for that.Do you have multiple catkin workspaces on your machine?