CCTronics and Navio

asked 2015-10-06 22:13:17 -0600

theDrGray gravatar image

Has anyone had any luck getting the image on the following site to publish messages via ROS on the Navio+Rpi combo?

Everything has built properly, and the topics are publishing over UDP to my MASTER but the messages are blank. I had to build their custom messages on the master in order to pull them down properly so I thought I might have introduced and error. To test that that wasnt the issue, I tried to run the module using the pi as the MASTER within the env the guys at CCtronics built and I got the same result: the message shows up but is completely blank.


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Has anyone had any luck getting the image on the following site [..]

Did you forget to include the URL here?

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2015-10-07 03:12:05 -0600 )edit

Totally did... Sorry about that:

theDrGray gravatar image theDrGray  ( 2015-10-07 09:51:15 -0600 )edit