Multiple rigid bodies crash optitrack node
I am running the optitrack mocap node found here.
Everything is fine when i have 1 rigid body data streaming from my windows PC. If i enable more than one then the program shuts down immediately, without giving any error. This is what i see in the terminal
... logging to /home/vivekr/.ros/log/2ed18b8c-55ec-11e5-bb88-001fbc0efc2f/roslaunch-but-5283.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://but:52380/
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/child_frame_id: drone1
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/parent_frame_id: world
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/pose2d: Drone_1/ground_pose
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/1/pose: Drone_1/pose
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/frame_id: drone2
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/parent_frame_id: world
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/pose2d: Drone_2/ground_pose
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/2/pose: Drone_2/pose
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/3/child_frame_id: drone3
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/3/parent_frame_id: world
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/3/pose2d: Drone_3/ground_pose
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/3/pose: Drone_3/pose
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/4/child_frame_id: drone4
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/4/parent_frame_id: world
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/4/pose2d: Drone_4/ground_pose
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/4/pose: Drone_4/pose
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/5/child_frame_id: drone5
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/5/parent_frame_id: world
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/5/pose2d: Drone_5/ground_pose
* /mocap_node/rigid_bodies/5/pose: Drone_5/pose
* /rosdistro: jade
* /rosversion: 1.11.13
mocap_node (mocap_optitrack/mocap_node)
core service [/rosout] found
process[mocap_node-1]: started with pid [5301]
================================================================================REQUIRED process [mocap_node-1] has died!
process has died [pid 5301, exit code -11, cmd /home/vivekr/workspace/catkin/devel/lib/mocap_optitrack/mocap_node __name:=mocap_node __log:=/home/vivekr/.ros/log/2ed18b8c-55ec-11e5-bb88-001fbc0efc2f/mocap_node-1.log].
log file: /home/vivekr/.ros/log/2ed18b8c-55ec-11e5-bb88-001fbc0efc2f/mocap_node-1*.log
Initiating shutdown!
[mocap_node-1] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
Can someone please help me out
Regards Vivek
Well, we have it working with two rigid bodies. Have you tried this and not with 5 rigid bodies?
From the error output, it is basially not possible to extract any information, so it is hard to help you. Do you somehow have more information?