Rosaria Gmapping Transform Help
I'm trying to use gmapping with a pioneer-3dx and a lms111 with gmapping, but am having issues. When trying to run rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping, I get the warning "MessageFilter [target=odom ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far." My current transform map is map->odom->base_link. I've read online that I needed a base_link -> scan, where scan is my laser scan. I've tried adding that, using rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 base_link scan 100, but I still get the error. I'm not sure what I'm missing, or how to add the required transforms. I used rosrun tf view_frames to view the tf tree map. map-> odom is published by /slam_gmapping, while odom->base_link is published by RosAria.
My laser scan is publishing to /scan, so is that where I would want to direct the transform? as in base_link -> /scan, or is there something else I'm missing?
Also, in the required tf transforms portion of the gmapping wiki, it says we need base_link -> odom, but in my tf tree RosAria broadcasts odom-> base_link. Is that a potential cause for error? The one provided by gmapping is map->odom, which is the same direction as on their wiki. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!