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Integrate a NovAtel ProPak-V3 using nmea_navsat_drivers

asked 2015-07-08 12:05:55 -0500

negotiator14 gravatar image

updated 2015-07-08 13:20:17 -0500

I'm working on using a NovAtel ProPack V3 to obtain raw GPS data but I'm currently not getting any data from it using the nmea_navsat_drivers. I've run the driver using the launch file from the robot_localization tutorial page and trough the rosrun command that's listed in nmea wiki but no luck. I configured the port and baud accordingly but no luck yet. My first guess is that I might have to change the code somehow to get it to work but I don't know where to start. Another problem is that maybe the GPS is not configured properly hardware wise which is something that I will be looking at later today.


Edit 1:

Apparently there's a node that I'm missing in between the information that the NovAtel is sending and what the nmea drivers needs. I don't know if anyone knows about it

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answered 2015-07-08 12:25:57 -0500

yohtm gravatar image

I've been working with a ProPak V3 recently also. The node expects to receive data in string formats. The first thing you could do is check with a serial tool like minicom or cutecom that data is actually received by the computer and that it's not binary (it might be, depending on how your GPS is configured). Don't forget to test the GPS outside and wait a few minutes for the signal to be aquired.

To configure the GPS I used the Novatel Connect app (Windows) to send the serial commands. The program can also confirm that your GPS is working as it should. We used the GPGGA mode, I think the command to enable it is as follow:

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Asked: 2015-07-08 12:05:55 -0500

Seen: 403 times

Last updated: Jul 08 '15