remapper /scan to /scan2
I have one lidar. I need a /scan topic for laser_scan_matcher package and need a /scan2 topic for gmapping package.
gmapping launch :
<node pkg="gmapping" type="slam_gmapping" name="slam_gmapping"
<param name="scan_topic" type="string" value="scan2" />
laser_scan_matcher launch:
<node pkg="laser_scan_matcher" type="laser_scan_matcher_node"
<param name="laser_topic" type="string" value="scan" />
ı need a node like this :
<node pkg="laser_remapper" type="remapper2" name="hokuyo_remapper"/>
I know remap argument but how can I do that
thank you for advices...
so you want the same laser scan for the scan_matcher and gmapping? so why do you need the remapper node? you could just remap e.g. in the gmapping or set the topic to
, right?Otherwise, you could always use a relay
yes ı want different topics with same laser. you say like that :
I need separately scan topics as /scan and /scan2. because this method better then my different nodes subscribe same topic but ı cant see result with this : rostopic echo /scan2 no publish as /scan2 and ı use this tf tree: