no map receive, Gmappping with Velodyne HDL-32E [closed]
Hi All!!
I really need your help!
I am trying to make a map using “Gmapping” package, however I could not receive any map data from it.
To make 3D scan data to 2D, I use but_velodyne_proc, then /odom date seem to be published correctly over /tf topics.
Also I checked /tf frame, then it seems fine. /velodyne(scan frame)-->/base_link-->/odom-->/map
But if I tried to visualize a map with rviz, they said "no map received" and "No tranceform [] to [map]"
I am new to ROS. Thank you for your time and I will appreciate any help!!
Thank you very much, Horse-man! It worked, However I had another problem the odom data jumped a lot,,,,then not making a proper map. Anyway it is another thing, I will open a new question, Thank you again.
you're welcome