ROS sending to DDS
Hello, First of all, I want to say that I'm not talking about ROS2. I'm doing my research and hopefully i will implement it. My main purpose is to do simple example of what is going to be on ROS2, I guess - I want to send data from ROS to one of the DDS vendors. Have somebody tried this before? Correct me if I'm wrong - I need to send message from ROS publisher to ROS subscriber and the same subscriber should convert message to IDL format and become DDS publisher send data to DDS subscriber? I'm currently using ROS Indigo on Ubuntu. Should DDS be on Ubuntu or it could be on Windows? Thanks for your responses, sorry if I misunderstood something or asked stupid questions.
Hi miltas, I am working on this topic too. I've done some research, but I only found this discussion: How far are you with it?