Start multiple nodes at boot and give access to ports
Currently when testing our robot (Ubuntu 14.04, ROS indigo), we need to start lots of nodes by hand. This takes lots of time when doing this over and over. Therefore we've tried to write a startup script using a bash script. But then when it started roscore, it does not execute all the other commands. Bassically what we are trying to do is automate the following terminal commands. For example, now only the startup of the xsens was used. But, like this, we need to start a laserscanner, a logitech controller, a camera and motorcontrollers as well. We found out we can do it using a launch file, but we do not now how to give permission to read a port that way. Does anyone have tips regarding this topic on how to automate the next process: ?
On startup:
New terminal:
$ roscore
New terminal:
$ cd /bullseye/catkin_ws/
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
$ rosrun xsens_driver -f 5
$ rosrun xsens_driver
New terminal:
$ cd test_bullseye/
$ python
Thanks in advance, Sander