About 2dnav using nav2djs with Turtlebot and compatible packages [closed]
I am working in a project integrates the web_video_server with map navigation capability, I have the following questions about the packages:
For the use of nav2djs:
1) The example that is in the webpage nav2djs tutorial is for the robot pr2, can I use the same launch files for the Turtlebot? If it is possible which would be the first step to take?
For the navigation using rviz:
2) I noticed that the web_video_server cannot run together with the amcl_demo.launch of this tutortial because there are dependencies for the camara node, there is a way to use both of them but without the topic block restriction? (I cannot use map_server like in the nav2djs tutorial, because the Turtlebot Autonomuos navigation gives conflicts with this too).
Thanks beforehand!
Update: Like @rtoris288 said, the integration of the stack navigation and using the camera for streaming images is possible, the solution is running/launching the following nodes:
3dsensor map_server amcl move_base robot_pose_publisher web_video_server
So, using 3dsensor instead the openni launch file (that I was launching before), bring all the topics and nodes that are needed to make both functionalities work.