Rviz urdf robot update position
I have been trying to set the position and orientation of my table in Rviz after launch.
The table is represented by a URDF model (as can be seen in the picture bellow). The reason for choosing a URDF instead of a Marker for example is that I cant take advantage of the macro xml tags. Like this i can easily add multiple tables with different specifications into Rviz and Gazebo.
What I would like to be able to achieve, is to call a service which sets the actual position and orientation of the table after rviz has has been launched and the table's loaded.
The position and rotation of the table will be fetched from a /tf topic given by the OptiTrack system (vision system).
To achieve this I have added dummy joints which I control via a node in which I set the joint values. However I have to keep doing this at high frequency to keep the table in right position. What I would like is to just reset the default position of the table, which is a RobotModel.
An alternative method would be to write a program which takes the urdf specification of the table and converts it to Markers which I can then read set the positions.
Any advice ? I would like to be able to keep the URDF representation.