Make use of 3rd party packages.
Hi guys.. I am a bit new with ROS, and I am struggling with making use of a 3rd party package. namely flir_ptu_driver.
I am not sure how to even make use of it. I tried creating a workspace, and git clone it into the SRC file. but when i performed catkin_make and catkin_make install I received error messages saying
add the installation prefix of "serial" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "serial_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. if "serial" provides a separate development packages SDK, be sure it has been installed.
I am not sure what it means but hope some you guys could help guide through the setup phase of this ros stacks, or just in general.
I found one in the tutorial, but it seemed like it was more focused on a certain kind of stack, and not an "all-purpose" stack installation.
Have you followed the introductory tutorials? They should give you at least some more insight into how things work with pkgs.
I understand your concern.. yes I have been followed the introductory tutorial, and I know the mistake must be something very silly.. i've tried so many different things.. That i think i might have mixed them together.. This how my workspace is here: