Good map with hector_mapping and with odometry-only - poor map with gmapping
Using an XV11 lidar and calibrated odometry, I am able to build a good quality map using both hector_mapping (using scan results only) and pure odometry (using odometry only). However, I am unable to get a good map using gmapping (which combines scan results and odometry).
My robot has odometry that passes the tests listed in the navigation tuning guide - linear translation is perfect, rotation error seems to be reasonable as well.
Additionally, it is using an XV11 lidar as laser scanner, with the xv_11_laser_driver package.
I've recorded a short bag file with /odom, /tf and /scan topics, using following command:
rosbag record -O second_data /scan /tf /odom
I then compressed the bagfile (rosbag compress second_data.bag
), and put it available here.
Map results:
If I transform this bag file into a map using hector_mapping, the result looks perfect:
EDIT: Here are links to the hector_mapping generated pgm and yaml files.
Moreover, if I simply display the laserscan results in rviz in the /odom frame, with an infinite decay time, I get a very nice map as well:
Now, when I try to run this through gmapping, the map looks very poor:
EDIT: Here are links to the gmapping generated pgm and yaml files.
To generate the gmapping map, I used:
rosparam set use_sim_time true
rosparam set slam_gmapping/delta 0.1 #set resolution to 0.1
rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=scan
rosbag play second_data.bag --clock
rosrun map_server map_saver
To generate the hector_mapping map, I used:
rosparam set use_sim_time true
roslaunch hector_mapping mapping_default.launch
rosbag play second_data.bag --clock
rosrun map_server map_saver
Launch file is available here.
PDF graph of tf tree is available here.
How come gmapping gives such poor results, compared to the two other approaches? Any suggestions to improve the gmapping results would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
I had a very similar experience with the xv-11 laser. I got the best results from gmapping by driving my robot in a straight line, super slow (around 0.02 m/s I think).
@jseal interesting, thanks! Did you ever try setting the minimumScore parameter? Setting this to a very high value (see below) works very well for me.
I haven't, I'm not sure how I missed that one. I'm going to give it a try. I ended up stitching a couple of maps together with gimp to produce my final map.