rostopic echo shows wrong format of message from arduino
So I made a custom message: odometry_message: Header header int32 encoder1 int32 encoder2
Then I compile in into arduino sketchbook (rosrun rosserial_arduino make_libraries .) I run a python serial node on arduino, set up a publisher that publishes such messages. However when I user rostopic echo to show the message, it shows only two fields of a message: encoder1 encoder2. Also they are completely wrong. If I remove Header field form the message and recompile, everything is okay and the values are valid. Why can't rostopic echo display message in full format and why does adding header spoil the encoder values (issues w/serialization)?
Much thanks.
This sounds like your messages were not synchronized properly. The messages for the arduino must be the same as the ROS messages. A first check would be rosmsg show your/msg and see if that is correct.