Transform from laser frame to odom frame using transformation matrix in ROS c++
I am using a pioneer3AT with a Hykuoy laser finder. when I run the RosAria, I have 2 frames The odom frame ( fixed frame wich represent the start of the movement) and the baselink frame which is attached to the body of the robot.
Also, when I run the URG_node I get another frame which is the laser frame.
I added the laser in the same direction of the base_link and I calculated the distance from the base_link frame to the laser frame is [0.206 0 0.16] in meters and I created a static tf transformation between the laser and the baselink as following.
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="laser_frame" args="0.206 0 0.16 0 0 0 1 base_link laser 100" />
My TF tree is as follows: odom -> base_link -> laser
now, in the code, I am reading the sensor_msgs/laserScan msgs as (r, theta) -->
What I want is to do transformation these data from laser frame to odom frame ?? how can I do that in ROS (in c++)??