Illegal Instruction when trying to run raspicam_node
As the title says, I'm trying to get fpasteau's raspicam_node working on my Raspberry Pi B+. After 3 days I finally got all of the dependencies resolved and catkin_make completes successfully.
Now when I go and try to run the raspicam_node using
rosrun raspicam raspicam_node
with or without any parameters I just get a cryptic illegal instruction message:
/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/devel/bin/rosrun: line 4: Illegal instruction
"/home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/src/ros/rosbash/scripts/rosrun" "@"
I've looked all over the place but haven't found anything that is helpful. The most I've found is some people suggesting an issue with OpenCV. I had to compile and install OpenCV 2.4.9 from source on the Pi (took 15 hours) because it only had version 2.4.1 on it to begin with and catkin would get hung up while making it saying something along the lines of stuff not being defined in cv.h.
The other nodes that I wrote still run fine, just the raspicam_node won't work.
Any ideas?
Thanks -Matt
may I ask which version of ROS you are using?
I'm running Indigo
I just saw the link you have mentioned, It seems this package was built with Groovy in consideration (check file) . I could manage only bare bones version of Indigo. However, I'll give this package a try n let u know
I saw that too, but I'd be surprised if Indigo vs Groovy causes the illegal instruction.
probably you are right, I am able to run the node on groovy (@90 fps too). have you built the
source code? I ask because, the file does not mention anything on building this code. I guess that you might have missed this step and you are not able to find the right binaries.I know I remember doing something with userland, but I don't know that I ever actually got it on the pi. I'll see about getting it setup.
Well I don't think I have userland installed on the pi. I downloaded it and cross compiled it on my desktop like the github page said, but I haven't had any luck getting it on the pi yet.
well, I don't know why you have to cross compile this code? you can just copy/download it into you Pi, and
cd userland
in your pi's terminal. it takes around 45 mins to build. and then following the you should be able to rosrun it, Also please mind its on groovy nt Indigo