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Multiple master in ROS

asked 2014-11-23 20:32:10 -0500

domikilo gravatar image

Hi guys! I am looking for the solution to work with multiple master, for example I use one computer to get camera images adn robot status, another computer is connected with the previous computer through wifi and also connect with another camera, therefore in my opinion, I need to ros master to run this. Is that right? P/S: I am programming with Qt C++

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answered 2014-11-23 20:56:35 -0500

ahendrix gravatar image

You shouldn't need multiple ROS masters for this; you should be able to run the ROS master on one machine and have the nodes on the other machine use it.

You may find the ROS on Multiple Machines tutorial helpful.

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Asked: 2014-11-23 20:32:10 -0500

Seen: 420 times

Last updated: Nov 23 '14