Trying to make a debian package
I'm working with Rviz/MoveIt! to plan my robots movement. However I want/have to make the use of Rviz/MoveIt! easier for my colleagues and less experienced users. I am aiming at editing the ros-hydro-moveit-ros-visualization package. I already found the source code of the package and I have also found what I wanted to change. However now I'm stuck. To install the changed source code I first have to convert it to a debian package. I tried several methods and how-to's that I've found on google, but none of them give me the desired result. Or I get errors when trying to compile/convert or the build of the .deb file I made doesn't share any similarities to the original .deb file I got from . For example my .deb doesn't install in the /opt/ros/hydro folder. Also my .deb file doesn't have any library files etc. In short the .deb files I managed to make only have the original source code files in it. How do I make a correct .deb file that installs in the correct folder, has the correct library files etc?
A small correction to my question. With less experienced users I mean end-users of the robot. The current Motion Planning plug-in, that is located in the moveit-ros-visualization package, is great for experiment and develop environments, but not for simple end-users.