people detection / tracking (wg_perception) on indigo: easy_markers dependency
It seems that Indigo's Perception package (people detection and tracking) requires dependency: easy_markers. (two other dependencies, ros-indigo-bfl and ros-indigo-costmap-2d exists and are good). catkin_make's call stack: people-indigo-devel/people_velocity_tracker/CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package) There is not package "ros-indigo-easy-markers" for Indigo. Out of desperation, I used "easy_markers" from wo_ros_tools_hydro, and Perception package compiles but does NOT run (does not display people, positions, produces error messages during run). Could you please upload the "easy_markers" on GitHub? This is the only dependency that is missing so far. So far, David Lu has been very helpful and posted entire People Perception. We are missing 0.0001% of the stuff.