custom message generation causes problems when compiling my code
Hello guys, I have tried to find if someone has the same problem in the forum but it does not seem that way.
Basically I want to create a custom ros message to publish something from my own package. So far so good.
I have created a msg folder in my package and added a file ("sla_tracker.msg") containing:
float64 s
float64 sd
string status
I have followed the tutorial given here everything worked without a problem, except to the last point:
# generate_messages(
# std_msgs
# )
as soon as I do this when using "catkin_make" it is like the header file of my cpp file does not exist which then obviously leads to a lot of missing declarations an other includes which were not done. I hope I could explain my problem properly.
Maybe the custom message must be created in a separate catkin package and can not be created in the package in which I need the custom message?
I am using ros hydro on ubuntu 12.04