How to distribute a package which is not a ROS package but could interest ROS community ? [closed]
Hello everybody !
I am currently an intern in a research center which developed a programming language for signal processing : Faust. My goal is to write some code in order to allow ROS users to use faust applications.
My question is : should I create a specific ROS package, following the DevelopersGuide, in order to distribute my work to ROS Community ? This implies some maintenance issues, because two separate packages aren't that easy to maintain. The other possibility could be to integrate my codes to the faust package, available on Source Forge and git, and tell ROS Community "Hey there ! Let's try this wonderful new programming language ! It's available for ROS, you just have to download faust package !". The problem would be that users would have to download an entire package with files concerning Windows, for instance, and use only 5 or 6 files...
What do you think ? Your ideas would be very helpful to me =)
EDIT : I wrote some documentation to explain how to use Faust in a ROS package. It is available here (using-faust-with-ros.pdf). In the current state, you compile a Faust file into a cpp file, which is created in a catkin package - in a catkin workspace or in a zip file. Then, you just have to make your catkin workspace and run the generated executable.
For instance, I tested it on a kinect and harpe node : using the depth values, I could play harpe by subscribing to a depth value topic (after some image processing). Don't know if it's clearer now ?