DepthImage to Mat (OpenCV) [closed]
I am working with a 3d camera that provides a depthimage which is encoded in 32FC1 I need the image in OpenCV format (Mat) in order to access each component as a matrix
The problem is that when I have done the transformation, I try to access the Matrix data with Mat::at but I can not see real values. I don't know where the problem is.
I have discovered that the problem is the ros encoding of the image. I have simulated a depth camera and I don't know the equivalence between each pixel value and the distance it represents. My camera code is the following:
<gazebo reference="kinect_depth_frame">
<sensor type="depth" name="fotonic">
<camera name="fotonic">
<horizontal_fov>1.221730476</horizontal_fov> <!-- 70 deg -->
<width>800</width> <!-- 160 -->
<height>600</height> <!-- 120 -->
<plugin name="kinect_depth_optical_frame_controller" filename="">
Can you please add your code for retreiving your cv::Mat from the image message and the cv::Mat::at statement?