RGBDSLAM - Slow transform publishing
Hi there,
I have the RGBD SLAM v2 package ( http://felixendres.github.io/rgbdslam... ) running on a Core i7 computer with a Nvidia GTX 780 graphics card. The computer runs Ubuntu 12.04.5 and ROS Hydro.
I want to use the package for robot localization, but it seems like I'm getting a too low pub rate of the transform.
In my launch file I have:
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="map_to_local_origin" output="screen" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /map /local_origin 10" />
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="mav_to_camera" output="screen" args="-0.05 0.15 0.8 0 1.570796 0 vision camera_link 10" />
which are transforms that I need to exist for sending the pose estimation for the robot. I also have:
<!-- TF information settings -->
<param name="config/fixed_frame_name" value="/map"/>
<param name="config/ground_truth_frame_name" value=""/><!--empty string if no ground truth-->
<param name="config/base_frame_name" value="vision"/> <!-- /openni_camera for hand-held kinect. For robot, e.g., /base_link -->
<param name="config/fixed_camera" value="false"/> <!--is the kinect fixed with respect to base, or can it be moved (false makes sense only if transform betw. base_frame and openni_camera is sent via tf)-->
where 'vision' is considered the base of the robot. 'till now everything is ok. The problem comes when I run the package and start processing. Using the tf view_frames, I can check the following on the tf tree:
Broadcaster: /rgbdslam
Average rate: 10000.000 Hz
Most recent transform: 1409946186.276
Buffer length: 0.000 sec
which for sure is not right, given that as said in http://answers.ros.org/question/54240... the tf transform is being sent at a 10Hz rate supposedly, which I know it can be less, but less can't be what is in the following: (Issuing 'rosrun tf tf_monitor')
Node: /rgbdslam 0.202653 Hz, Average Delay: 1.97535 Max Delay: 11.3705
Which is extremely slow! Does someone has a tip for what is happening or why is it so slow?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I have the same problem, using ros indigo dist. Some tf pubs seems to have 10000 HZ frecuency although I publish them at 10 HZ. Could you solve your problem? How did you solve it? Thanks.