problem installing ros indigo on Debian:wheezy
I want to install ROS indigo from source like this Tutorial ROS indigo and i added some different package from source and all my package are in src folder. When i execute:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y -r --os=debian:wheezy
i become this error:
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
image_geometry: No definition of [python-opencv] for OS [debian]
roslisp: No definition of [libconsole-bridge-dev] for OS [debian]
image_proc: No definition of [libopencv-dev] for OS [debian]
image_view: No definition of [libopencv-dev] for OS [debian]
rosconsole_bridge: No definition of [libconsole-bridge-dev] for OS [debian]
image_rotate: No definition of [libopencv-dev] for OS [debian]
rosbag_storage: No definition of [libconsole-bridge-dev] for OS [debian]
stereo_image_proc: No definition of [libopencv-dev] for OS [debian]
cpp_common: No definition of [libconsole-bridge-dev] for OS [debian]
cv_bridge: No definition of [python-opencv] for OS [debian]
camera_calibration: No definition of [libopencv-dev] for OS [debian]
tf2: No definition of [libconsole-bridge-dev] for OS [debian]
I will appreciate any help. Thanks