ROS Java Problem with sensor_msgs
currently i write a android app which calculates the roll, pitch and azimuth values using the device internal sensors (Samsung Galaxy Nexus). With a little bit of sensor fusion this task works perfectly! I want to publish the calculated values with a publisher running on the smartphone to my laptop where the roscore is running. When i try to define the msg type which should be published i get an error. This is the codeline which will not be accepted by the compiler.
org.ros.message.sensor_msgs.JointState jointState = new org.ros.message.sensor_msgs.JointState();
And this is the error message:
Error:(343, 28) error: cannot find symbol class sensor_msgs
Error:(343, 85) error: package org.ros.message.sensor_msgs does not exist
I have imported the following:
import sensor_msgs.*;
import org.ros.*;
But no import resolves the sensor_msgs build error. I have googled a lot of stuff and every example i have found uses this msg Types without any special imports. But for me this will not work. I'm very new to rosjava and android studio. I hope someone can help me.