rqt_plot issues in indigo
I have a ros node which publishes a custom message as well as sensor_msgs/JointState messages. Both show up correctly in rostopic echo but not in rqt_plot.
When starting up rqt_plot I see an error: could not get message class for topic type "MyCustomMsg" on topic "my_topic". The message does not show up in rqt_plot's dropdown menu, and can't be added if I type it in explicitly. The message is a float64[] array and should be accessible as my_topic/my_message_data[0] but this doesn't work. The problem is similar to this thread: http://answers.ros.org/question/72739... except that restarting doesn't solve it.
The second problem is with the JointState message and similar to https://github.com/ros-visualization/... so the question is if this is fixed in the next indigo release?