rostopic pub multiarray
Quick question, how do I publish a multiarray? I use rostopic a lot, and its tremendously helpful. One thing I was never able to figure out, was how publish a multiarray(I also wasn't able to find a post on it).
This is the format it provides:
rostopic pub /topic_name std_msgs/Float32MultiArray "layout:
- label: ''
size: 0
stride: 0
data_offset: 0
- 0"
That can publish a single element multiarray, but I couldn't figure out how to add another element on that array.
I've tried...
rostopic pub /topic_name std_msgs/Float32MultiArray "layout:
- label: ''
size: 0
stride: 0
data_offset: 0
- [0.0, 1.0]"
and a bunch of other variants, but nothing works. If someone can help with the syntax, that would be appreciated!