ROS: Skill required?
Hi, as a mechanical engineer with good but not excellent knowledge of C++ and Java is to me quite difficult to start working with profency with ros. Let s say I m definitely NOT an IT-Engineer nor have a degree in informatics. Do you think is it necessary, for working with ROS (build models, simulations, implement more complex mobile robots than the well known turtle...), to have a degree an informatics? Or to be quite an expert in C++ classes and so on? I went through the tutorials and found them easy to understand BUT I still don t know how to create a simple robot, with I can start off. It seems to me, that those tutorials are a little bit misleading. i don t see a direct connection to a "real" or simulated robot.
I accept the challenge offerd by ROS, but I d like to know if you would me discourage keeping on ... Regards
The tutorials are not misleading. They are a little tough (at least for mech engineers). As anything in life is... I am a Mechanical Engineer too. Also, in the tuts, it is very tough to elaborate too much on the basics - nobody really has the time for it.