Open and Save Laser Scan Reading from Hokuyo on Gazebo [closed]
Hi, I am new with Gazebo and ROS, I have found out on how to spawn Hokuyo on Gazebo and open Topic Visualization so that I can see what the Laser Scanner is detecting. But, how to retrieve and save the reading data in polar form to be analyzed?
@jc2016 thanks for your answer, for the '$rostopic echo laser_scan_topic', should I put the complete topic name or just the last part??
I'm not really sure what you mean by the last part. If you use the command $rostopic list you can find the list of all of the topics that are currently being published. Look through that list to find the name you should use. I think it should just be the last part, but check the list to be sure.
Also, I want to emphasize, echoing is not saving. You have to use the rosbag tool to save any of the data. Hope this helps.
@jc2016 it is working, thanks!! :)