roslaunch python
I'm trying to write a launch file for my python program. My program is named and is located in searching_tobot/src
. Here is my launch file so far :
<group ns="robot0">
<node name="search" pkg="searching_tobot" type="search" output="screen">
<group ns="robot1">
<node name="search" pkg="searching_tobot" type="search" output="screen">
However I have this error :
core service [/rosout] found
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [searching_tobot/search]: can't locate node [search] in package [searching_tobot]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [searching_tobot/search]: can't locate node [search] in package [searching_tobot]
And I can't find what I'm doing wrong. I tried replacing search
with no luck
I'm used to do launch file with C++ executable and I'm a bit of a newbie with python on ROS and I couldn't find the answer and the wiki :S. Thanks a lot !