Read hector quadrotor position and control its yaw angles
I am running hector quadrotor demo with two spawn quadrotors and get two questions: 1. How to read quadrotor's position? I asked it to show topics "/uav/uav1/fix" and it was supposed to show (latitude,longitude, altitude). However, when I move the UAV, only altitude change with the moving. Latitude and longitude don't change. Thus, I don't know how to read position (x,y). 2. Cannot control its pitch angle and roll angle. I published "geometry_msgs/Twist" to "cmd_vel",and I can control its yaw angle. But whatever value I chosen for message to publish, pitch angle and roll angle don't change.
I appreciate any advice.
Thanks Glen
Have you solved the second question about the pitch angle and roll angle? I have the same problem.