What is the use of tf_listener?
I understand that the tf_listener is used to lookup a transform from the tf_tree and then work with that transform to do whatever you want.
So it seems like the tf_listener is just a "tool" to be included in a node which needs the transform between one frame and another. Is there any other functionality of the tf_listener other than lookupTransform? Because the tf_tree exists with or without a tf_listener.
Thank you. (Trying to strengthen my understanding of tf concepts)
go through the class of tf_listener it gives you more insight ,http://mirror.umd.edu/roswiki/doc/diamondback/api/tf/html/c++/transform__listener_8h_source.html
@bvbdort: that is a really old version of that file. I'm not sure how much (or indeed, if) tf_listener has changed since DiamondBack, but it might be a good idea to look at the Hydro version (ie: 4 releases newer).