Razor.launch fails to launch (Razor 9DOF)
I am trying to test the driver package for Razor IMU 9DOF (Degree of freedom) sensors board based from this site: http://wiki.ros.org/razor_imu_9dof . I have installed Arduino and confirmed that it is working, as well as the python visual package. I installed wine v1.4 to get the python visual package working. After downloading and "rosmake"-ing the razor git repository without errors and running the command "roslaunch razor_imu_9dof razor.launch", i get the following error:
viki@ROS:/home/paralax2$ roslaunch razor_imu_9dof razor.launch
WARNING: unable to configure logging. No log files will be generated
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
Invalid tag: Cannot load command parameter [rosversion]: command [rosversion roslaunch] returned with code [1].
Param xml is < param command="rosversion roslaunch" name="rosversion"/>
Are there any prerequisites that I may be unaware of? Why are the scripts unable to configure logging? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.