Optimization Algorithms in ROS
Hi, I am looking for a way to optimize my data using optimization algorithms such of PSO, GA, etc etc, Any suggestion or ideas? Thanks
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Hi, I am looking for a way to optimize my data using optimization algorithms such of PSO, GA, etc etc, Any suggestion or ideas? Thanks
Asked: 2014-04-14 21:05:25 -0500
Seen: 1,031 times
Last updated: Apr 14 '14
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I don't understand your question. Do you look for a ROS package that already includes these algorithms? Otherwise I can imagine it would be very easy to write your own code and include some libraries where the algorithms are already implemented in an efficient way (PCL, OpenCV etc...)
Disclaimer: shameless self-advertising here! I am the main maintainer of http://roboptim.net/ an optimization framework in C++. It is not related to ROS but once your problem is solved writing the input/output as ROS messages is trivial.
Can you give us more details on the problems you'll be solving? Constrained or unconstrained? Linear? Quadratic? Nonlinear? Are you looking for real-time solvers?
Hi! I am going to implement a PSO algorithm for a humanoid robot Nao to learn new behavior with the help of human guidance. Therefore, I will be needing a package that implements the PSO algorithms in ROS.
@dnth: is there any explicit reason for limiting yourself to PSO/GA?