Get Service type from C++
In this code there is a function to get the type of a Service "get_service_type()": How can I do that from C++?
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In this code there is a function to get the type of a Service "get_service_type()": How can I do that from C++?
I believe the functionality you're looking for is already implemented as a service in the rosapi package and it can be accessed natively from roslibjs via the getServices method.
Asked: 2014-04-13 07:49:11 -0600
Seen: 457 times
Last updated: Apr 13 '14
What are you trying to achieve with this? Are you just trying to get the name of the service type, or will you try to call it after you've retrieved the type?
I want to create a Parameter with the information of each Service. Name, Type, Request and Response. To be able to call a service from another computer with rosbridge without having to look at the service from Ros